To Do lists and I've Done lists

Why the I've Done list is as important as the To Do list One of the best production tools I've ever used is my I've Done list. My To Do list gets written every night before I go to bed: a considered and realistic list of items to be ticked off the following day. Typically these sit in two categories of: Things I need to do Things I want to Asterisk the ones which make me money. Highlight the ones which are good for me. Delete as many of the others as possible. That's a simple To Do list efficiency tool because half the time the things we think we should be doing aren't the things which are useful to us, at all. I could go into more depth here by explaining that the 2 hours of yoga and the 10km run plus the half hour spiritual study and afternoon power nap are list features I consider to be as important as nurturing new clients and sending out invoices. That's for another post on daily actions, coming soon. For now we'll assume whatever is on...