Human Energetics
Energy is everything. From the quality of your own energy, to that of others and the environments we live in, energetics affect our worlds every day in every way. Human Energetics In Human Energetics , energy is the bind of the body to the soul. When we are training at Five Rings Training we are specifically concerned with the relationship between body and soul, and train with the intention to increase the connectivity between both. If energy is the binding, then we want the quality of that bind to be as strong, clear and focused as possible. As Humans we are both physical and spiritual: our body is physical, our soul is spiritual. Our energetics is where our physical and spiritual meet. We therefore need to cultivate an awareness of this connection and understand fully how the quality of our energy has both physical and spiritual impacts on ourselves and others. The Importance of E nergetic Training Energetic Training is an advanced form of training which uses a spir...