Time Management

We get what we focus on. I think many people have heard this phrase or similar such as "energy flows where attention goes" "you get what you think about" and so on, but what does this mean? Many of my clients speak of having spent time concentrating on what they want to achieve and then getting frustrated when it didn’t happen. There’s one simple reason for this and it’s TIME. Thinking about something and doing something about it are two different things. When we give something our time then we do both: thought and action. Thought, action and speech are our tools for creation in this life. The more we can apply our thoughts and actions and speech to a vision or lifeplan the more energy of creation we apply to it. When we look at our weekly schedule, how much time are we giving our thoughts, action and speech towards our cause or goals? Often not very much but expecting results all the same. I work with athletes as well as business leaders and th...