The Space Between

Ma is a Japanese term referring to distance, separation, interval, gap, temporal interval and also to psychological flow. In Japanese architecture ma refers to the regular intervals between structural posts and is further used to categorise rooms for activities.With this term we concern ourselves with the ‘space between.’
In its architectural context ma is the ‘event space’ of an activity or a moment, space defined by occupation of happening, occurrence, engagement of those present. Ma gives a volumetric and geometric value to this engagement, creating an activity or experiential chamber around which we build walls.
Consider the tea ceremony: a series of human actions forming ritual, around which physicality is built to both contain and celebrate. The actions depict the geometry and volume of the built structure, pure design from within. So the heart of activity, of the intension, creates the physical world around it.
This concept of building to contain, allow and honour event is different to the principles by which buildings are designed in the west. The understanding that the space between the posts is the true feature of the building has been forgotten. Ma’s translation in English means negative space or non-space.

Itō Ittōsai the founder of the Itto-Ryu school of sword-fighting stated “The essence of combat is ma”
Ma, understood as an architectural term, is also known as the space between fighters in combat. This can be extended to the space between any interaction involving human beings.
To understand ma we study it in combat, an occurrence in which the human being state is at its most primal, acting for survival. Highly trained martial artists understand the importance of this space which resides between, and use skills to manipulate it, control and determine outcomes.
Combat Studies at Five Rings Training show ma to be space, with a volumetric value, into which intention, psychology and energy is projected. By necessity, the occurrences within that space depict and influence, even define the physical outcomes of the interaction.
The understanding of Ma is therefore an opportunity for both creation and resolve. We continue to examine this in further lectures as this is one of the most important factors of the interaction of our collective states.
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