Life Coaching
Private Coaching at Five Rings Training is a fully integrative experience which draws together all aspects of living; physical, mental, energetic and spiritual, to further you as an individual, drive you to reach your potentional, increase your capacity and coach your daily thoughts and actions towards the creation of a fulfiling life.

Life Plan Coaching
LifePlan Coaching is a unique form of life and personal coaching which focuses on your life path. It is a fully integrative system for individuals who want to get on path, grow, connect to their life purpose, make a positive impact and fulfil their true potential.
Fulfilment is key to human happiness and performance
Fulfilment is key to human happiness and performance. Passion, excitement, engagement, feeling you have something to offer and knowing how to make a difference, are all part of connecting into the stream of life in an inspiring, energising and fulfilling way. The result is greater personal esteem, sense of self, personal happiness, increased energy and sense of satisfaction.
So many people want to achieve this but don't know how to get passed the daily demands of each day. Both inspiring and practical, using techniques from our elite athlete training programmes, this coaching empowers you at all levels with the tools you will use for life to make the changes you need.
Passion, excitement, engagement, feeling you have something to offer and knowing how to make a difference, are all part of connecting into the stream of life in an inspiring, energising and fulfilling way.
Capacity is a word we use often in training, programming and coaching at Five Rings Training.
For me personally it is one word which reminds me to always be what I am able to be. To not allow myself to be short of my capacity or my capability but to fulfill my life purpose to the best of my ability.
Easily forgotten by all of us when presented with busy schedules and external demands however this one word can serve as a reminder.
When coaching I try to instil this to all my clients and students: always remember who you are and what you are capable of. If you need help to understand what that personal capacity is, then give coaching a try and we will help show you.
Whether it's financial freedom, emotional freedom or freedom of personal or creative expression we want, all aspects of personal freedom are connected to personal belief systems, self esteem, self confidence, knowledge, perspective and awareness.
Good coaching opens your view to the real possibilities and puts into your hands the tools with which to bring dreams of freedom into reality.
You'll see how self discipline and focusing your hard work and determination on the right thoughts, speech and action can make liberating life changes.
Self discipline and focusing your hard work and determination on the right thoughts, speech and action can make liberating life changes
Integrative Coaching
Integrative Coaching is a highly specialised fully integrated form of coaching which includes Life Plan Coaching to focus on connecting you to your life purpose whilst giving you the physical and practical tools and techniques of our Integrated System Training to make the day to day alterations required to increase your energy, output, fulfilment, and purpose.
The intention of IC is to unleash your potential in a way which lifts up every part of your life; mentally, physically, energetically and spiritually, energizing you and connecting you to your passions and purpose, and providing you a sustainable framework to maintain your results.
A combination of expert physical training, nutritional planning, meditation, energetic training, mental patterning programming and Life Plan Coaching. Booked in intensive sessions.
For One to One and online Coaching contact and visit
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